Hello. I am Charley. Charley The Cat. The thing is sleeping, so I have taken over his blog. That is, until Mom finds out and shoos me away.
I have been Mom's cat for five years. Five blissful years of getting my way, Fancy Feast noms three times a day, and owning the house. Life was purrfect. I had Mom wrapped around my fluffy tail and trained so well.
Then... Oh, the humility. That thing entered the house. Copper The Dog took over my domain.
What on earth was Mom thinking?
I am banished. Banished, I tell you! I have the run of the house, yes. But I have to jump over what Mom refers to as a baby gate to enter the living room. What is this strange device? Does Mom think I need to shed some pounds? I am a tiny cat! But I respect the baby gate. It keeps Copper The Dog in the living room and away from me. Clearing the Baby Gate should be an Olympic sport. I am now quite good at it.
And speaking of the living room. Disgraceful. Odd, squeaky, noise-maker things of all shapes and sizes litter the once neat and tidy floor. Mom makes just as much noise as Copper The Dog does with them. I think Mom has completely lost her mind.
Copper The Dog goes outside a lot. He barks and runs around. I watch from the window with mild amusement. It's safe there in the window.
Mom says Copper The Dog wants to be friends. I am not buying it. Instead, I am plotting my revenge. Copper had better watch his tail and his nose because I am going to take back control one of these days. And maybe we will eventually become friends.
But not today.