Very early this morning, I woke up with my sister Abby, and I went upstairs to see my new family. We all said goodbye to Abby and my breeder mom Patricia. It was a little hard at first, but the ride home was fun, and I slept part of the way. When we got to my new home, a whole new world awaited me! First, we went out into the back yard, and I ran around and played! I met many new people today ~ Mom's sister and brother-in-law, her nephews, Grandmom and Pa, and a few of her friends, and they all brought me toys and told me how cute I am! Everybody took their shoes off to keep me safe (I don't have all my puppy shots yet). I took naps on and off all day, ate my noms (puppy food!) at my regular times, and played and played.
Then I met Charley, the cat. Oh, boy! More on Charley later. Right now, Charley doesn't quite know what to make of me. All I want to do is play, but Charley is a little scared. Mom says she'll come around soon. I hope so because I want to be best friends with her!
Now I am all tuckered out and sound asleep at Mom's feet (under the coffee table...they say I'm not going to fit under here in a couple weeks). I can't wait for tomorrow when I get to meet more fun people and play with them!